Monday 28 April 2014

Evaluation Question Seven

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I feel like I have a better understanding of the conventions of music magazines than when I did when doing my preliminary task. After analysing the front cover, double page spread and the contents page, it has allowed me to use different features to captivate the audience. When first starting the task I began to understand the conventions of magazines due to the fact I was analysing various different magazine within many genres. I discovered various magazines’ masthead use sky lines above the name to capture the audience’s attention immediately. 
 There are many more features that I have understood since doing the main task which looks more professional in comparison to my preliminary. My skills have developed when using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign; in comparison to the use of PowerPoint for my preliminary task, which limited features I could use such as the adjustment to a picture backgrounds and the removal of certain areas of an image. Although I had already used Photoshop before the project I found that my edited images was not as good in the preliminary task tan it was in the main task as I had longer to find out about the different tools and I did not know about. My photo shoot for my final piece ran much smoothly compared to my preliminary task, this is because of the development of certain shot types used for my production, such as mid shot, full shot etc.
The mise en scene was also an important part to consider in the photo shoot such as the props which I didn’t use in the preliminary. I realised that the prop can bring more attention to the image and can also give clues to the purpose of the image. Costumes were also very important and I did focus on the costumes in both of the task as I knew that it gave an insight to the audience about what the image is about. I think that I have developed critical evaluation skills through the evaluation of my own product as before this project I didn’t think about the effect of the audience but now I understand that when evaluating, you have to think about the target audience and see if you are attracting that audience and investigate how I am attracting that audience.

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